Monday, November 3, 2008


Real prayer has its fountain in the heart.

Our prayers have an aroma, whch indicates the spirit of each prayer we pray.

Be urgent in prayer.

The open heart prays easily.

The purpose of affliction is to arouse the cry of our heart to God.

Rewards come to diligent seekers.

Sekking God brings humility to our hearts.

Influence increases for those who seek God.

The very act of seeking God softens our heart.

Provision flows to those seeking God.

Joy comes to the surrendered heart.

If we pray, we are empowered to do right instead of wrong.

We must make the commitment to seek the Lord.

Crises hit out lives to awaken us. Pain gets our attention. We stir our heart to seek God.

Faith pleases God.

One reason for unanswered prayer is that the prayer is self-centered.

Successful prayer is aligning the prayer of our heart with the thoughts our brain.

Effective prayer thirsts.

Our prayers are aligned with His character, His nature, and His purposes.

God hears prayers that echo His purposes.

Evil gains ground in the prayerless soul. In prayer we find desire and strength to destroy sin's power over us.

Pride increases when prayer decreases.

Some prayers are too painful to give voice to.

Prayer is a humbling exercise.

Our confidence is based on a real revelation of what God has planted in our heart through prayer.

Patience is length of spirit. Our spirit gains patience and strength through praying. Our stamina in prayer increases as we pray more often.

Fasting and praying engages the highest-octane spiritual power available.

Fasting covers the whole concept of ceasing to satisfy the cravings of our flesh. This self-denial allows our spirit to rise. We become clearer and sharper to spiritual qualities surface where they had been doormat.

Pray both with our understanding and with our spirit.

Prayer is meant to be ongoing and earnest.

Prayer is the "first of all". We are to flavour our prayers with grace, faith and forgiveness.

The way we 'learn' obedience is that when we reap the consequences of disobedience in life, rather than rebellious.

When we feel distress, sorrow, agony, these are times to pray with even greater intensity.

Prayer is our time for cleansing and purifying.

When we pray, our mind opens to thoughts previously hidden.

We invoke our best defense when we pray.

Our troubles are designed to turn us to God, not away from Him.

When God tells is to do something, it's because there is high purpose and awesome results are planned for us.

Proper prayer is total devotion to the matter.


Adapted from "If- The Art of Prayer" by Phil Pringle.


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